The Most Annoying Person In History?

There are any number of people who are annoying. But in all of history, we learn that the all-time champion of being annoying was none other than the greatest philosophical mind ever known. That’s right… Socrates is hands down the winner of being the most annoying person to ever live.


In Socratic Debate, he would begin his discourses with what has become known as the “What Is Question.” For example, “What is beauty?” Or “what is Justice?” After one of his listeners would give an answer, Socrates would issue his elenchus, or “refutation.” In this refutation, he would detail his explanation of why the answer just given was completely and totally wrong.

That would get old after a bit. And it no doubt contributed more than a small measure to the cup that would finally kill him.

Still, it is Socrates who provides the greatest influence on Plato, who in turn provides influence to the great republican philosophers of the Enlightenment by defining what exactly a republic is. Or at least what it should be. Or at least, what it could be.

At least until the arrival of Montesquieu who then rearranged the whole thing. Then in turn, he was upended by the convention of 1787, leaving it so that – despite Ben Franklin – nobody knew anymore what a republic actual was.

One thing was certain according to Brutus and his elenchus: what was in the proposed Constitution is most definitely NOT a republic.

Let Us Astonish Our Enemies


Over the course of the convention, Gouverneur Morris has lost every single debate, discussion, argument, and point. It would be hard to find any single man who had a less successful direct influence on the direction of the debates. Everything that he wanted or stood for in the new government had been defeated.

Now, as the work draws to its close, the convention turns to the one man in whom they have the utmost confidence to stitch together the final document.

And that man is Gouverneur Morris.

When all is said and done, it is Ben Franklin who rises to the moment. His words of self-sacrifice and putting the nation ahead of oneself ring in our hearts even today. And most of all, let us astonish our enemies.

The Two Anchors


As the convention reaches the end of the first week of September, it seems, at least on the surface of things, that all their work is about to come undone. Luther Martin is convinced that the only way the American people will agree to this Constitution is to be hurried into it by surprise.  Edmund Randolph of Virginia declares that yet another full convention be held – AFTER the states are given the opportunity to make amendments to the draft.

It seems like there is a movement to undo all that has been done.

What is left to hold the Convention together? Two men. Perhaps the only two men in all of American history to whom every citizen will listen…