The Spin Doctors



The Convention finally gets underway. First things first, rules have to be established and agreed upon. Then the business of reforming the Government can get rolling. The first presentations take on the problems the nation confronts, including the biggest danger facing America.

The local Newspaper wants a story, and somebody, just who isn’t exactly clear, is giving them one.

George Wythe and his rules committee approved two special rules that will serve to ensure secrecy and flexibility.

As an add-on for Constitution Thursday, I have compiled for you a couple of PDF Documents which contain the biographies of the 55 Delegates who participated in the Convention. It is a rather large file (18MB) and is nearly 400 pages in length, but it provides a quick reference for the men involved in this discussion. You can download CONSTITUTION THURSDAY – The Delegates HERE.

Daniel of St. Thomas Jennifer


Today, May 14th is the 228th Anniversary of the Date set for the Constitutional Convention to begin in Philadelphia.

The American Democracy, founded on the ideas of the God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, was now on trial before the entire world. Anxious empires awaited the outcome of the Convention with their eyes on what would be left to take, should the Americans fail to restore good government and end up going their separate ways. The Philadelphia convention did not get off to a prompt start, as heavy rains had turned every road into the city to rivers of mud. By the assigned starting date, only eight delegates had arrived. It was an inauspicious beginning to the last ditch attempt to save the United States of America.

Today we begin our look at the Convention itself. For the next few months, we will take a look at what happened at the Convention in the previous week. What was debated, discussed? We will meet the fifty-five men who wrote our Constitution, starting with one Daniel of St. Thomas Jennifer of Delaware.